Permanent Powder Brows in Charlotte, NC

At Charlotte, NC's Westna Makeup Studio, we firmly believe in the power of feeling beautiful and confident. This is the core reason we offer Permanent Powder Brows - a service designed to enhance your eyebrows permanently, freeing you from the need for regular upkeep. Call us today to schedule your appointment and take a step towards effortless beauty.
Last up to 1,5-2 years.
Touch up not included.

How to prepare for your permanent eyebrows procedure?

No micro needling, peels, facials 3-4 weeks prior procedure
Stop using retinol products at least 3 weeks before appointment
No Botox injections 4 weeks before your appointment

Don’t shave or pluck your brows (we will figure out your shape during your appointment)
No blood thinners at least 2 weeks prior procedure
No alcohol 24 hours prior procedure
No coffee before procedure

What are
for a permanent makeup?

Problems with blood clotting
Ongoing treatment for oncology
Ongoing inflammation
Taking blood-thinning drugs
Skin diseases
Allergy to anaesthetic
Keloid scars and prone to keloids
Diabetes ( on insulin)
Alcohol and drug intoxication
Serious pathologies of cardiac activity
Mental illness, epilepsy
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